
36349 results

Fluoride removal with local mineral adsorbents in rural China

Fluoride removal with local mineral adsorbents in rural China

Fluoride removal with local mineral adsorbents in rural China Fluoride is a chemical that occurs naturally within many types of rocks. The…

Mobile Crowd Participation to root small-scale piped water supply systems

Mobile Crowd Participation to root small-scale piped water supply systems

Mobile Crowd Participation to root small-scale piped water supply systems In the arsenic-contaminated Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta in…

Arsenic removal for drinking water treatment in Nicaraguan rural communities

Arsenic removal for drinking water treatment in Nicaraguan rural communities

Arsenic Removal for Drinking Water Treatment in Nicaraguan Rural Communities Water ingestion with high concentrations of Arsenic , leads to…

Two TPM spin-off companies receive NWO Take-off funding

Two TPM spin-off companies receive NWO Take-off funding

Both the Participative Value Evaluation company of Niek Mouter, Shannon Spruit and Anatol Itten, as Councyl, Caspar Chorus' company in which…

Two TPM research projects earmarked as best practices in OECD report

Two TPM research projects earmarked as best practices in OECD report

Last week an OECD report came out on transdisciplinary research, which combines knowledge from different scientific disciplines with that of…

Data Stewardship

Data Stewardship

Did you know? • Data Stewards provide disciplinary support for research data management and sharing across the campus. • Every TU Delft…

Paper Martijn Nagtegaal on "Myelin water imaging from multi-echo MR relaxometry data using a joint sparsity constraint" is published in NeuroImage

Paper Martijn Nagtegaal on "Myelin water imaging from multi-echo MR relaxometry data using a joint sparsity constraint" is published in NeuroImage

Myelination is a crucial aspect of brain development and is essential for the functioning of the nervous system. Demyelination, on the other…

Decoding the Digital Future

We are living in the midst of a digital transformation of society. As digital technologies enhance and in some cases, replace human…

We have a new Tenure Tracker at the Safety and Security Science Group: Ming Yang

We have a new Tenure Tracker at the Safety and Security Science Group: Ming Yang

Dr. Ming Yang joined the Safety and Security Section on June.1st, 2020. Dr. Yang has a varied background in safety and risk engineering,…

First detector array delivered to GUSTO mission

First detector array delivered to GUSTO mission

The first detector array for NASA's GUSTO mission has passed its pre-shipment review and is now shipping to the University of Arizona for…