
35948 results

Levin Winter and Florena Buse win Ripple Bug Bounty Award

Burcu Özkan's Honours Programme students, Levin Winter and Florena Buse, have been awarded by Ripple's Bug Bounty Program for the new bug…

IoT CyberLab

Despite the benefits of the widespread deployment of diverse Internet-enabled devices such as IP cameras and smart home appliances - the…

TU Delft & MIT publish article in Urban Studies

IDE Assistant Professor Achilleas Psyllidis, PhD candidate Roos Teeuwen, and Professor Alessandro Bozzon, in collaboration with MIT…

IDE assistant professor wins Young Investigator Award

Last week at the Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, IDE assistant professor Jun Wu was awarded the Young Investigator Award from the…

Stephan Bongers

About I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics group of the TU Delft. My main research interest is deep…

Yuko Kato

About I received my bachelor’s degree in physics from Kwansei Gakuin University in 2016. After that, I worked on my master’s degree in…

BK present with two projects at Dutch Design Week

BK present with two projects at Dutch Design Week

During Dutch Design Week (DDW), two of our faculty's projects will be on show: a sustainable circular partition wall made of mycelium and a…

‘The Executive Board does the real work’

‘The Executive Board does the real work’

This year saw two alumni join the TU Delft Supervisory Board: Heleen Wachters and Tijo Collot d’Escury. What is their take on TU Delft, then…

From the house of God to starters’ homes

From the house of God to starters’ homes

An architecture student bought a disused church to live in with friends. Then fate struck. Now, four years later, he is creating four…

IDE in the media – week 41

German item KolnerWochenspiegel - Haus mit Zaubertisch Innovative Begegnungsstätte 70 Plus wurde eröffnet