
36042 results

Smart shielding wall for care providers

Smart shielding wall for care providers

The shortages of personal protective equipment are increasing the pressure on the healthcare system in the fight against COVID-19. In…

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In the early morning of 22 April 2020, our dear former colleague professor Barend Thijsse passed away after a short illness as a result of…

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

The researchers of Project Inspiration have made all of the designs for their mechanical ventilator available worldwide. In this way, the…

Amir Zadpoor in various media

A project team of scientists active in the Medical Delta region is testing the first prototypes of a ventilator consisting entirely of…

Gerwin Smit in various media

A team of researchers and students is launching a new type of ventilator that is purely mechanical and that you could easily build and…

Stefan Lampaert in Delta

The corona pandemic has caused a shortage of protection equipment, especially face masks. TU Delft researchers and students are ramping up…

Y.Y. (Errol) Neo

S.A.C. (Saskia) Plandsoen

N. (Nouman) Khadim