
36388 results

Pride and Prejudice: Chronic disease prevention

Pride and Prejudice: Chronic disease prevention

Obesity is a serious threat to people’s general health, but remains a hard problem to tackle. We know that physical activity and diet are…

Claire Chassagne and Alex Kirichek winner of NWO team science award 2021

Claire Chassagne and Alex Kirichek winner of NWO team science award 2021

This week it was announced that the MUDNET team, of which Claire Chassagne and Alex Kirichek are members, won the NWO Team Science award…

Newsletter - Issue 1 - Ethics and Philosophy Section

Given the magnitude and gravity of sociotechnical developments such as the COVID-19 crisis, the mitigation of and adaptation to global…

Working on accelerating the energy transition

Working on accelerating the energy transition

On its 180th anniversary in January, TU Delft will reflect on its role in the energy transition, and especially on how to accelerate it.

The view of Kornelis Blok

The view of Kornelis Blok

Professor of Energy Systems Analysis Kornelis Blok, who also contributes to IPCC reports on climate mitigation, is chairman of the TU Delft…

New energy

New energy

TU Delft will celebrate its 180th anniversary on 14 January 2022.

‘A year abroad will do away with any preconceived notions’

‘A year abroad will do away with any preconceived notions’

Design researcher, comedian and de Volkskrant columnist Jasper van Kuijk talks about what interests him.

On a deserted island

On a deserted island

Ten TU Delft Hydraulic Engineering master students were the first to do multi-day research on the Marker Wadden islands.

The firm - Layco

The firm - Layco

Alumnus Dieuwertje Drexhage wants to develop an affordable intubation tool with her start-up Layco Medical Devices.

Ben Wagner in TRT World over Facebook whistleblower

Ben Wagner in TRT World over Facebook whistleblower

Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen has revealed to members of the British parliament the inner workings at Facebook, including what she…