
36042 results

Added value of Clinical Technology proven in practice

Added value of Clinical Technology proven in practice

From the 3D printing of pills to a device that enables people without vocal cords to speak: the final bachelor projects by students in…

Best lecturer of the year 2018-2019

Best lecturer of the year 2018-2019

All students from the 3mE faculty have had the opportunity to vote for the best lecturer of the academic year 2018-2019. This award enables…

Jenny Dankelman is Professor of Excellence 2019

Jenny Dankelman is Professor of Excellence 2019

On Thursday 4 July, Jenny Dankelman, Professor of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Intervention Techniques at the Faculty of Mechanical,…

Programmable soft actuators show the great potential of soft robotics

Programmable soft actuators show the great potential of soft robotics

Researchers at TU Delft have developed highly programmable actuators that, similar to the human hand, combine soft and hard materials to…

New insights about the balance organ in Nature Communications

New insights about the balance organ in Nature Communications

Patrick Forbes, post-doc research-fellow at the Department of BioMechanical Engineering and the Erasmus MC, together with colleagues from…

TU Delft self-driving car anticipates pedestrian behaviour

TU Delft self-driving car anticipates pedestrian behaviour

A research team from the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) has achieved a milestone in the area of autonomous driving in an urban…

David Abbink in De Wereld van Morgen (NPO1)

Research by the Haptics Lab into symbiotic driving will be shown on Dutch television in prime time. David Abbink was interviewed by Vivianne…

Robert Hekkenberg in Technisch Weekblad

Regarding the claim that autonomous sailing is more difficult in inland shipping than in shipping, Hekkenberg said that the challenges in…