
36379 results

Andrea Mangel Raventos

Call open: For Women in Science Rising Talent Prizes 2022

The prize is to advance the academic careers of young women researchers in the Netherlands holding a position as PhD candidate or…

TU Delft confidential adviser team expands

With effect from 15 October 2021, the Executive Board has appointed four new internal confidential advisers. They serve as the point of… N.A. de Vries

Professor of Architectural Design - Public Building Department of Architecture Nathalie de Vries is Professor of Architectural Design. She…

Thing-Centered Design

Designing and innovating in the connected everyday As objects around us begin to collect data and make suggestions about what might be…

Resilience of Socio-Technical Urban Systems

Resilience of Socio-Technical Urban Systems

In cities, technologies & infrastructure determine how and where people live and move around, or how they adapt to a changing climate and…

Resilience in Decision-Making

Resilience in Decision-Making

Resilience requires change. But this change can create winners and losers. At the same time, we know that crises and disasters inevitably…

Policy, Engagement & Collective Action

Policy, Engagement & Collective Action

The future is shared, and technologies enable new ways for communities to self-organise. By empowering communities, fostering collective…

TU Delft opens 32 vacancies for PhD candidates, in 8 new TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft opens 32 vacancies for PhD candidates, in 8 new TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft is looking for talented PhD students to join eight new TU Delft AI Labs. Over the next few years they will tackle the question 'How…

Design Leadership and Innovation

Improving innovation performance through strategic design practices Innovation is key for companies to prosper, but innovation is…