
35967 results

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MSc Applied Mathematics Learn more MSc Computer and Embedded Systems Engineering Learn more MSc Computer Science Learn more MSc Electrical…

Olympus widefield and Confocal rescan

Purpose: - Suitable for widefield fluorescence and transmission imaging - Instant shift to confocal rescan imaging (slow). Pinhole size= 50…

Spinning Disc Confocal

Purpose: - Fast and gentle 3D confocal sectioning @ Large Field of View - Live experiments - Smart acquisition using Nikon - FRAP…

Solution sets of linear equations

Solution sets of linear equations

Solution sets of linear equations This video discusses solution sets of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear systems and how a row…

Inner product and orthogonality

Inner product and orthogonality

Inner product and orthogonality This video shows generalizes the inner product to higher dimensional spaces and discusses the geometric…



Schedule & enrolment Ceramics Pottery

Fujitsu and TU Delft explore the horizon of High Performance Computing

Fujitsu and TU Delft explore the horizon of High Performance Computing

In an era where computing power continues to grow at an exponential rate, the importance of high-performance computing (HPC) cannot be…

Complex eigenvalues

Complex eigenvalues

Complex eigenvalues This video gives several examples of matrices with complex eigenvalues and shows what happens if you apply such a matrix…

Matrix multiplications

Matrix multiplications

Matrix multiplications This video explains what a linear transformation is. It then defines matrix multiplication by means of the…

Diagonalisable Matrices

Diagonalisable Matrices

Diagonalisable Matrices This video shows that being able to diagonalise a matrix can be used to simplify computing a power of that matrix.…