
36043 results

Marco Reijne in various media

RTL Nieuws: Goud door fiets op maat? 'Hopelijk iets aan bijgedragen' (Dutch) Hart van Nederland: Ontwerper fiets baanwielrenners trots op…

TU Delft participates in development of energy label for yachts

TU Delft participates in development of energy label for yachts

How enviromentally friendly is yacht building actually? Can you compare one yacht to another? And how can we ensure that all yacht builders…

SeaClear project develops the first autonomous robots for underwater litter collection

SeaClear project develops the first autonomous robots for underwater litter collection

Today's oceans contain 26-66 million tons of waste, with approximately 94% located on the seafloor. So far, collection efforts have focused…

Wim Haije in Atlas

NTR: Atlas (Dutch, video @ 21:53)

Delft Technology Fellowship for Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva

Delft Technology Fellowship for Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva

More outstanding female academics with a tenure track position – that is one of TU Delft’s most important pillars. The Delft Technology…

Never fall again thanks to backpack-like wearable robot

Never fall again thanks to backpack-like wearable robot

Balance aids currently used in daily life and rehabilitation clinics are helpful but far from perfect. Canes, walkers, crutches, and…

Mechanical engineering students design inventive pack dog

Mechanical engineering students design inventive pack dog

Parcel deliverers are faced with a challenge - partly due to the corona crisis - to deliver more and heavier parcels to people's homes. Our…

Recycling ammonia from animal manure is a good idea

Recycling ammonia from animal manure is a good idea

Mahinder Ramdin has been granted 50,000 euros from NWO’s ‘Idea Generator’ programme for his out-of-the-box research idea ‘Recycling of…

Open Science Awards for Joost de Winter and Pavlo Bazilinskyy

The Open Science Awards recognize researchers or research students who have used Open Science to make their research more accessible,…

Year of the Lecturer 2020: A unique way of saying 'Thank you!'

Year of the Lecturer 2020: A unique way of saying 'Thank you!'

Changing 'the Lecturer of the Year elections' to 'The year of the Lecturer' and sending a nice thank you gift. What could it be?…