
36342 results

Elmer van Grondelle

Elmer van Grondelle

Lecturer. | Expertise: Automotive Design (Styling), Strategy Design, Design processes, Design methods, Future human mobility.

Sepideh Ghodrat

Sepideh Ghodrat

Assistant professor of Design Engineering. | Expertise: Smart material systems, actuators, 4D printing, Materials and structural properties

Milene Guerreiro Goncalves

Milene Guerreiro Goncalves

Associate Professor of Product Innovation Management. | Expertise: Creativity, Creative problem solving, Inspiration, Design Cognition,…

Willemijn Elkhuizen

Willemijn Elkhuizen

Assistant Professor of Sustainable Design Engineering | Expertise: Material Experience, Cultural Heritage, 3D scanning, 3D printing,…

Jo van Engelen

Jo van Engelen

Professor of Integrated Sustainable Solutions. | Expertise: Business and organisation development, Integrated sustainable solutions, Design…

Bregje Eekelen

Bregje Eekelen

Professor of Design, Culture and Society | Expertise: History of social and human sciences, Anthropology of knowledge, Histories of…

Prof. ir. Eijk, D.J. van

Prof. ir. Eijk, D.J. van

Professor Applied Ergonomics and Design. Expertise: Design for usability