
36043 results

Tech for Health: building a unique Erasmus MC lab to combat arthritis

Tech for Health: building a unique Erasmus MC lab to combat arthritis

This month, the University Fund and TU Delft launched a campaign called Tech for Health | Better healthcare thanks to Delft technology. The…

Paul Breedveld in various media

Algemeen Dagblad: Hoe de tentakels van een inktvis een oplossing kunnen zijn voor een chirurg (Dutch) NRC: Medische instrumenten…

Carey Walters in Atlas

NTR: Atlas (Dutch, video @ 35:22)

Existing neighbourhoods energy-neutral thanks to innovative solar heat network

Existing neighbourhoods energy-neutral thanks to innovative solar heat network

A solar heat network has proven to be technically and financially feasible for making existing neighbourhoods more sustainable and natural…

Award for paper on world’s first catheter able to make S-shaped curves in all directions

Award for paper on world’s first catheter able to make S-shaped curves in all directions

A team of researchers from the Department of BioMechanical Engineering and the Bio-Inspired Technology Group (BITE) has developed the ‘4 DoF…

Technical Medicine master students tackle COVID-19 cases

Technical Medicine master students tackle COVID-19 cases

During the COVID Case Day, thirty master students from the Technical Medicine programme studied COVID-19-related cases submitted by various…

Wouter van den Bos in various media

TU Delft has developed software that makes it possible to calculate the risks of contamination with the corona virus for a specific area.…

Arjan Mol in various media

NewScientist: Nanotechnologie kan CO2 wegwerken bij kamertemperatuur (Dutch) Arboportaal: Wat is chroom-6? (Dutch) Arboportaal: Wanneer kan…

Peter Steeneken in various media

KIJK magazine: Ballonnetjes van grafeen op speurtocht (Dutch) The Graphene Council: Graphene enables the smallest, most sensitive sensors

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

In a very short period of time, students involved in OperationAIR have successfully developed an emergency ventilator for coronavirus…