
36368 results

Computational Mechanics

The Computational Mechanics sub programme is concerned with the development of deterministic and probabilistic computational models for…


Stories Alessandro Bombelli “It all starts with education” With a reputation for an open, interactive teaching style and incorporating fun… L.J. Sluys

Profile Professor Bert Sluys received his PhD from Delft University of Technology in 1992. After that he was a Research Fellow of the… J. Weerheijm

PhD Delft University of Technology Profile Dr. Weerheijm studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Delft. In 1981 he joined…

Dr. A. Simone

Profile Angelo Simone is an associate professor in the Computational Mechanics Group embedded in the Structural Mechanics Section of the…

Leybold L560

Apparatus L560 evaporation system Supplier Leybold Heraeus Location P00.330 Main purpose Evaporation System layout evaporation by e-beam…

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you can find some frequently asked questions. Hopefully these FAQ’s answer some questions you might have. If not, please do not…

New AI tool discovers realistic 'metamaterials' with unusual properties

New AI tool discovers realistic 'metamaterials' with unusual properties

A coating that can hide objects in plain sight, or an implant that behaves exactly like bone tissue. These extraordinary objects are already…

Unveiling of plaque and mural at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace

Unveiling of plaque and mural at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace

2023 marked the 300th anniversary of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's death at the age of 91. This was widely commemorated in Delft and beyond last…

Past Projects

4TU Humans and Technology Project Systems for Smart Social Spaces for Living Well 2017-2020 ) Resourceful Ageing 2016-2018 (…