
36368 results

Evaluation of education

The faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) considers the quality of education an important subject. That is why the faculty uses a…

Quantative Flow Visualization

Quantative Flow Visualization

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) merges the visual aspect of qualitative flow measurement techniques, such as smoke- and oil- flow…

Culture & Society

Culture & Society

Design does not take place in a vacuum. In fact, designers operate in an entangled world. If we look at the world as complex environments or…

Leadership & Project Organisation

Leadership & Project Organisation

Realising design project goals takes more than being a good designer. In the real world, knowing how to work with teams, collaborate with…

Paco Lopez Dekker: Harmony in the Wadden

Paco Lopez Dekker: Harmony in the Wadden

An important milestone in the preparation of ESA’s tenth Earth Explorer candidate satellite mission, Harmony, has been reached thanks to two…

Herman Russchenberg doet onderzoek naar wolken: ‘Ze zijn van grote invloed op ons klimaat’

Herman Russchenberg doet onderzoek naar wolken: ‘Ze zijn van grote invloed op ons klimaat’

Dat wolken deel uitmaken van het dagelijkse weer, is zo alom bekend dat we ze als een bekend fenomeen beschouwen. Herman Russchenberg van de…

Research team

Christian Tiberius received his PhD degree in 1998 from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft, The Netherlands, on recursive…

Prof. dr. ir. Doris van Halem

Materials & Manufacturing

Materials & Manufacturing

Imagine using a starch-based material to make an edible lunch box. Or designing a bio-based cover for a tablet. Why not use a corn…

Community police officer at X

Community police officer at X

Since recently, Bart the community police officer of the Wippolder district and the campus has been visiting X on Wednesdays. The community…