
35962 results

Moritz Fieback

Moritz Fieback Moritz Fieback About Publications About Moritz Fieback received his PhD degree from Delft University of Technology…

Midterm colloquium Umut Selcuk

Midterm colloquium Umut Selcuk 13 January 2025 10:45 till 12:45 - Location: ME-Lecture Hall C - Daniel Bernoulli, 34.A-0-620 - By: DCSC |…


Fundamentals is the first step of your UTQ trajectory. During one session you will learn about the principles of Constructive Alignment and…

MSc and BSc students

MSc and BSc students Bera Research Group Garbin Research Group Saša Kenjereš Lab Luis Portela Group David Vermaas Lab MSc students Chemee…


People Dr. Alina Rwei Postdocs Ida Kokalari PhD Candidates Lena Fasching Ignasi Simón Students Rebecca van den Elshout MEP Student 2025…

M. (Milad) Kolagar Daronkola

N.P.M. (Nathalie) Petersen-Bijlhout

N.A. (Andrea) Jara Barrera

L.F. (Lorenz) Kustosch

G.H. (Gijs) van der Wielen