
36018 results

Contacts & Network

Contacts & Network

D&I Office The D&I Office is committed to nurturing and promoting a respectful, accessible, diverse and inclusive TU Delft community for all…

The Mekel Prize

Call for Applications Mekel Prize 2024 Do you work on a socially responsible research project or extra-scientific activity that could use…

Elementary 1

Level CEF from 0 to A1. Study workload Around 10 hours a week (3 ects for TU students). Lessons Lessons take place twice a week: on Monday…

Work Package 'Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation' visits TU Delft

Representatives from Chalmers University, ETH Zürich, RWTH Aachen, Technische Universität Berlin, Warsaw University of Technology, and Arts…


Management Team Marc de Vries Professor Hanno van Keulen Programme Director Anna Hotze Section leader Coordination Fiona Tuynman Secretariat…

S. (Stefan) de Bruin

S.H. (Simon) Tindemans