
36043 results

Joost de Winter appointed Professor of Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction

Joost de Winter appointed Professor of Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction

De Winter’s research focuses on touchless interaction between robots and humans so that in the future, robots can read and understand the…

EU Funds SeaClear2.0 for more underwater robots to collect heavier seafloor litter

EU Funds SeaClear2.0 for more underwater robots to collect heavier seafloor litter

Following the success of SeaClear1, which showed that a system of autonomous robots can detect and remove litter from the seafloor, the…

Bart van Straten in various media

Promotie (symposium): 'Surgical waste to medical products'. Het Parool: Het is ‘verboden’, maar deze onderzoeker geeft afval uit de…

Willem Haverkort in various media

Delta: Elektrolyse: van schoolproefje naar massaproductie (Dutch) / Electrolysis: from school experiment to mass production (English) De…

Burak Eral in various media

ScienceLink: Gemerkte geneesmiddelen om fraude te voorkomen (Dutch)

Research from TU Delft in the Rijksmuseum

Research from TU Delft in the Rijksmuseum

A smart alternative to the traditional sandbag and an experiment with clay to learn more about strengthening dikes. These are two examples…

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

The maritime sector needs batteries for the transition to zero-emission shipping. Different ships with different operational profiles may…

OpenSim Creator: Empowering biomedical research with biomechanical models wins CZI EOSS Award

OpenSim Creator: Empowering biomedical research with biomechanical models wins CZI EOSS Award

Ajay Seth has been awarded a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) grant of US$ 350,000 to develop his project, OpenSim Creator. This open-source…

Rudy Helmons in various media

New Atlas: Seafloor rover vacuums up valuable metals with smaller footprint (English) Engineers Online: Diepzee mijnbouw minder…

Ruud Kortlever in various media

Innovation Origins: In de laboratoria van de TU Delft zie je nu al de mobiliteit van de toekomst (Dutch) Algemeen Dagblad: Ruud onderzoekt…