
36043 results

Wind turbines as inspiration for ships

Wind turbines as inspiration for ships

Innovations from the wind energy sector seldom find their way to shipbuilding, despite undeniable similarities. Researchers in the areas of…

Royal honours for three TU Delft professors

Royal honours for three TU Delft professors

TU Delft professors Isabel Arends, Jenny Dankelman and Andy van den Dobbelsteen each received a royal honour this year.

Haptic assistance proves excellent solution for working with two robots

Haptic assistance proves excellent solution for working with two robots

Researcher Jeroen van Oosterhout has developed a haptic assistance system that makes it easier to control two robots simultaneously. On…

Gerwin Smit nominated biggest scientific talent 2018

Gerwin Smit nominated biggest scientific talent 2018 Gerwin Smit from Biomechanical Engineering, 3mE faculty, TU Delft, has been nominated by New Scientist for the title of biggest…

First papers published in TU Delft’s Open Access Journal Superhero Science and Technology

In the same week as the worldwide release of Avengers: Infinity War, the latest Hollywood superhero film, the first papers and editorial…

Delft innovation wins Dutch Design award

Delft innovation wins Dutch Design award

The new grab ( nemaX ® ) that Dutch grab manufacturer Nemag developed in partnership with transport engineer Dingena Schott and her team…

A single-piece transmission mechanism to multiply motion frequency

A single-piece transmission mechanism to multiply motion frequency

Davood Farhadi Machekposhti, PhD-candidate at the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering has developed a new method for the…

New chair and appointment of part-time lecturer Earl Goetheer at Process & Energy

Starting 1 May 2018, the new Electrochemical Transformation of CO2 chair will commence at the Department of Process & Energy. Earl Goetheer,…