
36042 results

Andrzej Stankiewicz steps down and DPTI charts new course

Andrzej Stankiewicz steps down and DPTI charts new course

Andrzej Stankiewicz is stepping down as director of the TU Delft Process Technology Institute (DPTI) in June 2019. The executive board will…

Innovative stainless steel game changer for car industry

Innovative stainless steel game changer for car industry

A car that is light, safe and will not rust, that is the goal of the project recently awarded to professor Maria Santofimia Navarro and…

START-UP grant for microchip that tests new fundamental physics theories

START-UP grant for microchip that tests new fundamental physics theories

Richard Norte, expert in the area of micro- and nano-engineering and researcher at the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering…

15th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems

Assistant professor Sergio Grammatico and prof. Ming Cao of University of Groningen are the general co-chairs of the IFAC Symposium on Large…

Joost de Winter in de Volkskrant

One successful study after another appears to have a different outcome if the experiment is repeated. To learn what such a repeat study…

M.A.A.S. Auza Sanchez

A.K. (Anuj) Joshi

H.F. (Hugo) Mourão Bento

G. (Gaia) Da Prato