
36043 results

Willem Haverkort in various media

De Morgen: Hoe duurzaam is rijden op waterstof? (Dutch) Universiteit van Nederland: Hoe kunnen we autorijden op waterstof? (Dutch) Algemeen…

Paulien Herder appointed Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS)

Paulien Herder appointed Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS)

The Executive Board has appointed Professor Paulien Herder as dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS) as of 1 March 2021. She is…

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Farbod Alijani

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Farbod Alijani

Farbod Alijani, Associate Professor at the department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering, has been awarded a Proof of Concept grant…

World record on the single-channel data rate of a standard optical fiber

The fiber-optic communication systems carry 99% of today’s internet traffic. These systems are under pressure due to an exponential rise in…

Johan Padding in KIJK Magazine

Glas is vloeibaar, noch vast. Om die reden bijten natuurkundigen al jaren hun tanden erop stuk. Maar nieuw onderzoek licht een tipje van de…

3mE researchers partner in two NWA-ORC consortia

3mE researchers partner in two NWA-ORC consortia

Researchers from TU Delft will work together in nine consortia with the entire knowledge chain and societal organisations, and conduct…

TU Delft software for determining contagion risk for specific locations

TU Delft software for determining contagion risk for specific locations

TU Delft professor of aerodynamics Fulvio Scarano, together with fluid mechanics expert Lorenzo Botto and simulation expert Wouter van den…

A Mechanism for Designing High-Entropy Alloys with improved Magnetic Properties

A Mechanism for Designing High-Entropy Alloys with improved Magnetic Properties

Magnetic materials are everywhere - in engines, wind turbines, electronic devices and refrigerators - so materials with better magnetic…

Graphene balloons to identify noble gases

Graphene balloons to identify noble gases

New research by scientists from Delft University of Technology and the University of Duisburg-Essen uses the motion of atomically thin…

First prize from De Nederlandse Gasindustrie Prijzen 2020 for Joseph Daatselaar

First prize from De Nederlandse Gasindustrie Prijzen 2020 for Joseph Daatselaar

On November 30, Joseph Daatselaar received the first prize from the Dutch Gas Industry Awards (De Nederlandse Gasindustrieprijzen) for his…