
36043 results

TU Delft self-driving car anticipates pedestrian behaviour

TU Delft self-driving car anticipates pedestrian behaviour

A research team from the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) has achieved a milestone in the area of autonomous driving in an urban…

David Abbink in De Wereld van Morgen (NPO1)

Research by the Haptics Lab into symbiotic driving will be shown on Dutch television in prime time. David Abbink was interviewed by Vivianne…

Robert Hekkenberg in Technisch Weekblad

Regarding the claim that autonomous sailing is more difficult in inland shipping than in shipping, Hekkenberg said that the challenges in…

Mechanical Engineering Design competition 2019 in various media

The goal is to build a self-propelling mechanism that can continue its movement after a fall from table height, and then deliver a 'Golden…

3mE researchers receive ERC Starting Grant

3mE researchers receive ERC Starting Grant

Seven researchers from TU Delft are receiving an ERC Starting Grant this year from the European Research Council. No fewer than three of…

Students win world championship with high-tech recumbent bike

Students win world championship with high-tech recumbent bike

Cyclist Lieke de Cock won the world championship for cycling in the Nevada desert in the US with a speed of 120 km/h.

Seven Veni’s for TU Delft researchers

Seven Veni’s for TU Delft researchers

NWO has announced the Veni recipients for 2018. Amongst them are seven scientists from Delft University of Technology.

The Physiology of Impenetrable Skin: Colossus of the X-Men

The Physiology of Impenetrable Skin: Colossus of the X-Men

One superpower that gains constant attention is that of impenetrability, a power possessed by superheroes like Luke Cage, Wonder Woman,…

ERC Starting Grants for seven TU Delft researchers

ERC Starting Grants for seven TU Delft researchers

The European Research Council has awarded ERC Starting Grants to seven TU Delft researchers. The grants (1,5 million euros for a five-year…

Carlas Smith awarded Veni grant

Carlas Smith awarded Veni grant

Carlas Smith, assistant professor at the Smart Optics Lab of the Delft Center for Systems and Control and Imaging Physics in the Faculty of…