
36111 results

Maartje van Leuven

Where do you work? I work at Vrumona (Heineken). My job title is Innovation manager. I'm working in the marketing department of the company.…

Joeske Schellen

Where do you work? I am a Senior Design Manager within the Product Creation organisation of Nokia Design . Within this organisation I lead…


The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering maintains active contact with its alumni. After graduation, our students find themselves in…

Astrid Roij-Lubsen

Where do you work? Waag Society is an institute for art, science and technology that develops creative technology for social innovation. As…

Rienk Landstra

Where do you work? I work at Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift Europe B.V. , Cat Lift Trucks and Mitubishi Forklift Trucks as the Concept…

Eline van Beest

Where do you work? I work at NightBalance . I am the founder and managing director. After studying Industrial Design Engineering I started…

Marcelle van Beusekom

Where do you work? As a Senior Creative Lead at LUNAR (San Francisco, USA), I am responsible for exploring and defining the right approach…

Femke Braaksma

Where do you work? I work as operational manager at Rijkswaterstaat, the executive arm of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the…

Taco Carlier

Where do you work? It doesn't feel like work, but if that's how people call it... I work at VANMOOF, a company which pursues only one goal:…

Mark Dorlandt

Where do you work? I am a product designer / project leader / product manager E-bikes at Koga. What have you learned from your study at IDE?…