Aerospace Engineering in top five global QS Subject Ranking
The QS Subjects ranking 2020 places TU Delft in the top five in the discipline Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing engineering.
Royal HaskoningDHV opts for TU Delft Campus
Royal HaskoningDHV opens a branch for 800 employees in Delft, an international hub in the field of technology, innovation and knowledge…
TPM brings gaming to the Holland Festival
Annebeth Erdbrink, Rens Kortmann and Alexander Verbraeck contribute on behalf of TU Delft to the Luistermutant 2020 performance of Micha…
Joris Melkert new Director of Education
As of 12 July 2020, Joris Melkert will become the new Director of Education of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Researching landfill emissions
TU Delft researcher Julia Gebert is in the lead of a new fundamental research project about landfill emissions.
TU Delft proud of high positions in the global QS Subject Ranking
The World University Rankings by Subjects 2020, published today, places TU Delft 2nd worldwide in the discipline Civil & Structural…
Using the underground space
Starting April 2016, Ken Gavin joined CEG as Professor of Subsurface Engineering, a new chair supported by Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat.…
Soundwaves sharpen image of subsurface and human body
Complicated subsurface structures frequently obstruct the search for new oil and gas deposits. Geophysicist Joost van der Neut has been…
Listening to the earth with a million microphones
To make a good depiction of the subsoil using seismology you need a lot more material than you do to take a beautiful photograph with a…
Sustainable water management in Maputo, Mozambique
Sustainable water management in Maputo, Mozambique At least half the people of Mozambique lack access to clean, safe water and basic…