
36041 results

How to convert the mechanical engineering competition into an online event

How to convert the mechanical engineering competition into an online event

Due to the restrictive corona measures, the design project of the first-year Mechanical Engineering looks very different this year. What if…

Peter Wellens best lecturer of the year 2020-2021

Peter Wellens best lecturer of the year 2020-2021

‘I don’t give instruction, I give feedback,’ says Peter Wellens. He has been elected best lecturer for the academic year 2020-2021 at the…

Mechanical Engineering students design solution for high-altitude assembly

Mechanical Engineering students design solution for high-altitude assembly

Almost 600 first-year mechanical engineering students at TU Delft spent six months working on the best possible design for a ‘Climbing…

Heike Vallery in various media

KLIK: Als begeleider naast de rolstoel lopen dankzij opzetstuk (Dutch) Captise: Rolstoelgebruiker en begeleider naast en niet achter elkaar…

Lucy Bennett in various media

Editie NL - @10:35: Afl. 350 | RTL Nieuws (Dutch) RTL Nieuws: Niet achter, maar naast de rolstoel lopen dankzij deze uitvinding (Dutch)…

Mud research requires multidisciplinary approach

Mud research requires multidisciplinary approach

Mudnet, the Delft-based multidisciplinary team consisting of marine and civil engineers researching the properties of mud, won the NWO ‘Team…

TU Delft collaborates on development of Amsterdam data heat network

TU Delft collaborates on development of Amsterdam data heat network

TU Delft is launching – in collaboration with infrastructure specialist Firan, the City of Amsterdam and the AMS Institute – the ‘Digital…

Ad van Wijk in various media

Melk van het noorden: Boeren volop aan de slag met waterstof (Dutch) Algemeen Dagblad: ‘Koop een cv-ketel die óók op waterstof kan’ (Dutch)…

Klaas Visser in various media

It looks like an old-fashioned steamboat with two tall chimneys. In reality, the 154-meter-long cargo ship SC Connector - with modern…

Best Energy Paper Award

Best Energy Paper Award

Next year, TU Delft will be celebrating its 180 anniversary. We will celebrate this with the Energy Transition theme. We would like to…