
36438 results

Dr. A. (Angela) Meyer

Profile I have been an assistant professor of energy meteorology and artificial intelligence at TU Delft since October 2023. I obtained my…


About DEMO DEMO specialises in Our abilities Our expertise Along with HR, Finance, Communications, Policy, Facility Management and Real…


Scientific staff Oguzhan Copuroglu Gozde Ozerkan Dr. Mohammad Fotouhi Prof. Dr. Henk Jonkers Dr. Dessi Koleva Marc Ottele Dr.…

Energy Technology

Energy Technology

The Energy Technology Section is part of the Process and Energy Department of the Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE)…

Bridging Climate and AI: a joint workshop event

Bridging Climate and AI: a joint workshop event

With a Climate & AI Workshop event on October 3rd, TU Delft AI Initiative and Climate Action Programme (CAP) joint forces to bring together…

Products and projects

Products and projects

DEMO werkt op alle locaties mee aan een grote verscheidenheid aan projecten. Hieronder enkele binnen de TU speerpunten passende voorbeelden.…

In the media

2024 Oktober Matthieu de Schipper , We gebruiken veel meer zand dan we denken, maar nu dreigt een zandtekort: wat merken we er in Nederland…


Academic Staff Professor ( Chair ) Prof.dr. Peter Palensky LB 03.230 +31 (0)15 27 88341 Professor Han La…

Delft scientists discover how innate immunity envelops bacteria

Delft scientists discover how innate immunity envelops bacteria

The protein GBP1 is a vital component of our body’s natural defence against pathogens. This substance fights against bacteria and parasites…

Lisanne Pool

Lisanne Pool

Lisanne Pool “My coming out is just one of many, and I’m aware of how lucky I’ve been. I understand the fear and the potential consequences…