
36031 results

Thirteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

Thirteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded thirteen young TU Delft researchers from the Science (ENW) and Applied and Engineering Sciences…

Sergio Grammatico has been awarded an NWO ENW-M1 grant

Sergio Grammatico has been awarded an NWO ENW-M1 grant

Sergio Grammatico, Associate Professor at the Delft Centre for Systems and Control (DCSC) has been awarded an individual NWO ENW-M1 grant of…

Aimée Sakes joins board NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences

Aimée Sakes joins board NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences

The board of the NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES) appoints dr. ir. Aimée Sakes as new board member. She will join the board…

Rudy Negenborn’s vision on autonomous ships in Nature

Rudy Negenborn’s vision on autonomous ships in Nature

Nature published an article ‘Autonomous ships are on the horizon: here’s what we need to know’ about autonomous ships that highlights…

Ad van Wijk in various media

Het Financieele Dagblad: Lobby financierde 'waterstofprof' Ad van Wijk Pledge Times: Who is the passionate Delft 'hydrogen pro' who did not…

Victor Gonzalez in various media

"De Nachtwacht" van Rembrandt geeft nieuwe geheimen prijs | VRT NWS: nieuws 'De Nachtwacht' van Rembrandt geeft nieuwe geheimen prijs | Lees…

Earl Goetheer in various media

Techniek om CO2 uit zeewater te halen blijft voorlopig toekomstmuziek ( ‘Van afgevangen CO2 maken we straks artificieel vlees’…

Michaël Wiertlewski in various media

Ultrasound illusion could make buttons on a touchscreen feel real | New Scientist Ultrasound Illusion Could Make Buttons On A Touchscreen…

Rudy Negenborn in various media

Traffic Radio: Autonoom varen

Arend Schwab in various media

Fietsenval in Apeldoorn - Fietsersbond Vrees voor ongelukken met fietsers door ‘gevaarlijke’ wildroosters bij Apeldoorn: ‘Dit gaat fout’ |…