
35962 results


Rebeca Gonzalez Cabaleiro Assistant Professor Room: C2.060 Marit Verheijen PhD candidate…



The Trésor contains historical books, magazines, maps, photos and prints from before 1900. Material from the Trésor is too expensive and too…

Filming and photography rules

The central TU Delft Library is located in a very photogenic building. It is permitted to take photographs or film in this and the other TU…

Manipulation and the ethics of generative AI

Manipulation and the ethics of generative AI

He now focusses on the ethics of influence and the concept of manipulation. His goal is to understand positive influence and distinguish it…

Co Kadijk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Co Kadijk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Co Kadijk will be doing his thesis project on Focusing functions for photoacoustic imaging, to account for strong reflectors in the medium…


On request of the board of TU Delft, the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section provides ethics teaching for all engineering programs…


Full Professors Affiliated Full Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Postdocs & other researchers PhD Candidates Support…

Bijoy Bera

Dr. Bijoy Bera Assistant Professor +31 (0)15 27 81036 Building 58 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands I am…

Giorgio Colombi

Photochromism of rare earth oxyhydrides thin films Multianion compounds offer unprecedented degrees of freedom in the design of functional…

Diana Chaykina

Hydride-ion (H - ) conduction and solid-state devices Ion conducting devices have many practical applications in batteries, fuel cells,…