
36042 results

TU Delft, Shell and the government invest 5 million euros towards sustainable breakthrough in the chemical industry

TU Delft, Shell and the government invest 5 million euros towards sustainable breakthrough in the chemical industry

TU Delft, Shell and various Top Consortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKIs) are investing 5 million euros in the development of…

3mE-researchers on stage in Famelab

3mE-researchers on stage in Famelab

Who is best at presenting his or her science story? On Wednesday 3 April, 16 researchers will battle with each other for a place in the…

Rudy Negenborn in various media

If ships and other transport systems exchange information with each other, the infrastructure can be used much more efficiently and…

e-Refinery in various media

TU Delft, Shell and various Top Consortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKIs) are investing 5 million euros in the development of…

Riender Happee in NRC

"Acceleration is proportional to forces and stresses in tissues. And with that, normative for the risk of injury, "says Riender Happee, who…

Barry Fitzgerald in Delta

“This is not your standard innovation lecture”, says Barry Fitzgerald. There'll be quizzes, film trailers and more in the BingeWatch Academy…

Five Vidi grants for TU Delft: from zig-zagging through computational barriers to clay-like orthopaedic implants

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants worth EUR 800,000 to five researchers at TU Delft. A…

Not all yellow in The Sunflowers will last forever

Not all yellow in The Sunflowers will last forever

Researchers from the Universities of Antwerp, Perugia and Delft together with museum staff have painstakingly examined Sunflowers by Vincent…

TU Delft students head to Florida with autonomous vessel

TU Delft students head to Florida with autonomous vessel

From 18 to 24 June 2018, the ‘Trident Delft’ team will be battling against student teams from all around the world in the International…

Impressive number of grants for 3mE at the Delft Bioengineering Institute’s BioDate 2018

Impressive number of grants for 3mE at the Delft Bioengineering Institute’s BioDate 2018

The number of BioDate projects to receive grants from the Delft Bioengineering Institute again shows that 3mE researchers like to work with…