First detector array delivered to GUSTO mission
The first detector array for NASA's GUSTO mission has passed its pre-shipment review and is now shipping to the University of Arizona for…
TPM master students win 2nd place in SIMIO competition
EPA master students Tess Kim and Rico Herzog successfully competed in the SIMIO competition last May. Out of more than 330 teams across the…
Research into vaccination readiness and vaccination policy preferences in the Netherlands
A vaccine against COVID-19 is currently being developed. To achieve group immunity, a vaccination rate of about 75% is required. Together…
Freek Pols published paper: "A Physics Lab Course in Times of COVID-19"
Freek Pols published a paper in the Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education. In this practitioner contribution,…
Inauguration Henri Werij
Henri Werij is Dean of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft. And he’s a passionate amateur photographer. As Dean, Werij has two…
Delfi Space
Delfi Program Delfi-n3Xt Delfi-C3 Delfi-PQ PocketQube Workshop Public Resources This content is being blocked for you because it contains…
Researchers discover new mechanism for the coexistence of species
Researchers from the AMOLF institute in Amsterdam and Harvard show how the ability of organisms to move around plays a role in stabilizing…
ERC Starting Grant for three AS researchers
Five TU Delft researchers have been selected to receive an ERC Starting Grant. Three of these researchers work at the Faculty of Applied…
Frances Brazier new leader of section Systems Engineering
As of today Frances Brazier has been appointed as the new leader of the Systems Engineering section. She succeeds Martijn Warnier.
TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs
How can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? Delft scientists will investigate this question in eight new 'TU Delft…