
36174 results

Teams Webinar

MS Teams Webinars allows you to have a controlled interactive meeting with up to 1,000 participants. If you have under 300 participants, you…

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

Denis Voskov Rouhi Farajzadeh Femke Vossepoel Hadi Hajibeygi Carbon Dioxide Sequestration CO 2 capture and storage in subsurface formations…

Lecture Harm Timmermans: Residential Building Technology

On 3 December, Harm Timmermans of shift architects will give a public lecture as part of the BKB3TE4 course.

Lecture Robert Winkel: Residential Building Technology

On 19 November, Robert Winkel of MEI architects will give a public lecture as part of the BKB3TE4 course.

Lecture Micolai Brus: Residential Building Technology

On 12 November, Micolai Brus of ZUS will give a public lecture as part of the BKB3TE4 course.

BN seminar James Saenz (TU Dresden)

BN seminar James Saenz (TU Dresden) 08 November 2024 12:30 till 13:30 - Location: A1.100, TNW building 58 - By: secretariat tnw-bn | Add to…

Graduate Entrepreneur Fund

“We’re matching, funding and guiding the best and brightest from Rotterdam and Delft” Entrepreneurship is one of the most important drivers…

Climate & AI Workshop Event

Climate & AI Workshop Event 03 October 2024 14:30 till 17:30 - Location: Mondai | House of AI - Delft | Add to my calendar On October 3rd…

Digital twin in the battle against heart problems

Yes, I will join and donate for Tech for Impact Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally. Each year 17,9 million…

Safe drinking water thanks to bacteria

Yes, I will join and donate for Tech for Impact Drinking water from groundwater wells in Bangladesh often has a too high concentration of…