
36035 results


You are eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship if: The Faculty has a bilateral agreement with the institution you are going to; Your…

Doeke de Walle

Where do you work? I work at BMW Group in Munich, Germany. Before that I worked for 5,5 years for Pininfarina , a design house in Turin,…

Maartje van Leuven

Where do you work? I work at Vrumona (Heineken). My job title is Innovation manager. I'm working in the marketing department of the company.…

Joeske Schellen

Where do you work? I am a Senior Design Manager within the Product Creation organisation of Nokia Design . Within this organisation I lead…


The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering maintains active contact with its alumni. After graduation, our students find themselves in…

Astrid Roij-Lubsen

Where do you work? Waag Society is an institute for art, science and technology that develops creative technology for social innovation. As…

Rienk Landstra

Where do you work? I work at Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift Europe B.V. , Cat Lift Trucks and Mitubishi Forklift Trucks as the Concept…

Eline van Beest

Where do you work? I work at NightBalance . I am the founder and managing director. After studying Industrial Design Engineering I started…

Marcelle van Beusekom

Where do you work? As a Senior Creative Lead at LUNAR (San Francisco, USA), I am responsible for exploring and defining the right approach…

Femke Braaksma

Where do you work? I work as operational manager at Rijkswaterstaat, the executive arm of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the…