
35976 results


ASSESS focuses on assessment through exams, projects and assignments. It can be a great tool for lecturers to guide student development in…

MSc Systems & Control

MSc Systems & Control

As the complexity and importance of our many industrial structures and manufacturing systems grow, so does the guiding hand of Systems and…

Final Assessment

The final assessment of the UTQ allows you to reflect on how you (will) apply your UTQ learning results and how you will keep improving your…

Certified transcript of records now available via MyTUDelft

Certified transcript of records now available via MyTUDelft

Vanaf heden is het mogelijk om op elk gewenst moment zelf een gewaarmerkte cijferlijst (zonder GPA) vanuit MyTUDelft te downloaden. Hierdoor…

2024-12-05 | Come design the future with us. (Manometric, Den Haag)

Manometric is transforming orthoses and prosthetics from necessities to products people love to wear. For a growing population with chronic…

2024-12-16 | Internship Product Design (Coolfinity, Utrecht)

Coolfinity improves healthcare in emerging markets by offering reliable cooling solutions to prevent diseases and vaccine wastage. Power…

Executive and Management Regulations

This includes the regulations that are important for the entire university. TU Delft Executive and Management Regulations (EMR) The EMR…