
36095 results

About the bachelor programme Nanobiology - Erasmus University Rotterdam (Erasmus Medical Centre) and TU Delft

Nanobiology uses the language of mathematics within the context of physics to understand the complexity of biology. Unique to this…

The Ebeam

Most charged particle beams use magnetic fields to transport and focus the beam from the source to the sample. To produce the magnetic field…

Neutron Depth Profiling

This text was adapted for RID from the NIST website on Cold Neutron Depth Profiling. The original author is Greg Downing. Principle A…

Granular matter

Extracting micro-structural and rotational information in granular materials such as: sand-piles, coffee beans, planetary rings, powders…

Mössbauer laboratories

The Mössbauer technique probes the electronic environment of a few, selected nuclides. Fe and Au are well-known examples. In Europe, RID…

Micro-emulsion (cream cheese)

Systems of practical relevance to the food industry are often hard to investigate non-invasively. This is caused by the fact that most food…

Colloidal phase diagram

Suspensions of hard-sphere colloids are characterised in three phases . The sample consists of sterically stabilised silica spheres with a…

Milk aggregation

The main components of milk are caseine micelles that are polydisperse protein particles of up to several hundred nm in size. This can be…

Positron annihilation

The positron facilities The Variable Energy Positron beam facility ( VEP ): a mono-energetic, magnetically guided positron beam (10^5…

The POSH intense keV Positron Beam

In 2000, the intense variable energy keV positron beam POSH was completed. Its intensity of 4 x 10^8 positrons/s made it the most intense…