
36070 results

Programme in detail

The Heating and Cooling track of the Master’s programme Sustainable Energy Technology offers 7 profiles: Heat Sources, Heat in Buildings,…

Lab Members

Head of the Lab Dr. George Lavidas George Lavidas Social google scholar pure linkedin twitter orcid 0 Post Doctoral Researcher Dr. Matías…

Programme in detail

Wind Energy Assessing wind resources. Adapting wind turbines to their environment and applying wind turbines in an (offshore) wind energy…

Pieter Swinkels

Ir. Pieter Swinkels Managing Director EngD Programmes Chemical Product & Process Design (ChemE) +31 (0)15 27 84374…

M.J. (Matthew) Comeau

X. (Xuehang) Wang

S. (Suriya) Senthil Kumar

A. (Aleksandar) Boričić