
36371 results

The indispensable skill in technical and economic studies

The indispensable skill in technical and economic studies

Computational Science bridges the gap between Mathematics and Computer Science for engineering purposes.

Taming the software jungle with evolutionary insights

Taming the software jungle with evolutionary insights

Just like your television or car, software nowadays is often assembled from hundreds of pre-built components – ready-to-use pieces of code…

A robot friend for ill children

A robot friend for ill children

Several aspects of this project make it even more emotive than all the other projects we have done involving the robot and children.

Self-driving cars: the next major technological revolution

Self-driving cars: the next major technological revolution

Grandpa, did you have to drive a car yourself?!?

‘We could discover something that could change our whole view of the universe’

‘We could discover something that could change our whole view of the universe’

Dr Akira Endo is working on a brand-new measuring instrument that should lead to great improvements in how astronomers study the most active…

An algorithm for the perfect photograph

An algorithm for the perfect photograph

The rise of smartphones has made photography accessible to everyone, but this has not necessarily resulted in better photographs, as a…

Living on the edge

Living on the edge

Rajendra Bishnoi works on novel technological concepts for so-called edge devices and he inspires students to follow his example.…

IDE in the media – week 13

Dutch items NPO2 - Prikkels - Tast (featuring Peter Vink at 6:05) Het Financieele Dagblad - ‘Duidelijk is nu dat ziekenhuizen niet zo verder…


Research Groups

The research at DDS is based on the work from a wide range of faculty members from the following groups: Algoritmics Computer Engineering…