How do you design objects with an intention?
Designing smart objects for everyday life demands a new approach: no longer focused on a single object and a single user, but on an…
Out of the Blue #21 – Generative Design
Maximum functions, minimum amount of materials. That needs to be part of the sustainable future of design. What technologies might be…
Design for Deaf culture and health
Patients failing to take their medication in the prescribed manner is a widespread problem across society. But a combination of social…
Why do innovations end up in the Valley of Death?
When it comes to innovating in large organisations, why do so many concepts die before they are realised? Barend Klitsie’s PhD research…
Is the robe in that painting velvet or satin?
Staring at one of the richly drawn paintings in Amsterdam’s famous Rijksmuseum, you might recognise that the robe worn by the subject of the…
Talking the walk: tailored healthcare
Hospitals want happy and satisfied patients. And they need them, because healthcare is a competitive market. Especially when it comes to…
The circular economy needs your old phones (and other things)
The transition towards a circular economy (CE) requires that products be returned for reuse, refurbishing or recycling. But getting people…
A breakthrough in 3D printing
Although 3D printing may sound futuristic and creative, results so far have often been rather recti-linear. Chengkai Dai just obtained his…
Personalised games help kids with mental health disorders
Mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in children and adolescents. In fact, 30% of young people suffer from such…
Design that makes us happy
Design that makes people happy. It sounds like the holy grail. Or as a sales pitch. Yet things can contribute to our sense of well-being.…