
36043 results

Tailored Healthcare

Tailored Healthcare

Unfortunately, it can be a regular occurrence in the medical world: a perfectly successful operation, but a patient who is still not…

Seeing, understanding and designing the light

Seeing, understanding and designing the light

On 31 March, Sylvia Pont held her inaugural lecture as Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor at TU Delft. She conducts research on light and the…

These days it’s all about transparency

These days it’s all about transparency

This year marks Sicco Santema’s 25th anniversary as Professor of Marketing and Supply Management at TU Delft’s Faculty of Industrial Design…

Games that are always a success

Games that are always a success

After a long day at work, you somehow force yourself to go to the gym for some valuable exercise. Our sense of ‘get-up-and-go’ (thankfully)…

Dutch lessons in the Chinese Pearl River Delta

Dutch lessons in the Chinese Pearl River Delta

The Pearl River Delta in the province of Guangdong in southern China is one of the most rapidly urbanising deltas in the world. More than…

Board of Studies Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics

Board meeting dates 2023-2024 14-09-2023 12-10-2023 16-11-2023 07-12-2023 18-01-2024 15-02-2024 21-03-2024 27-04-2024 16-05-2024 06-06-2024…

NWA grant and Open Science Fund awarded

NWA grant and Open Science Fund awarded

Two projects in which faculty researchers are involved or are the main applicant have recently been awarded with funding. These are the…

IDE Master's Programmes

IDE Master's Programmes

The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering offers three master’s programmes: Design for Interaction (DfI), Integrated Product Design…

Rinke van Tatenhove-Pel Group

Rinke van Tatenhove-Pel Group

I am fascinated by microbial life and its dazzling possibilities. It triggers me to grasp the underlying concepts and challenges, and to…


Teaching in the Life Science & Technology (LST) programme (joint between Delft and Leiden), which combines elements of the fields of…