
36064 results

Teaching Support TU Delft

Teaching Support TU Delft

Discover Teaching Support Services by Teaching & Learning Services (TLS). Access a wide range of educational tools, expert didactic…

TU Delft AE Diversity & Inclusion ‘Safety Beyond Boundaries’ Panel

TU Delft AE Diversity & Inclusion ‘Safety Beyond Boundaries’ Panel 19 September 2024 17:30 till 19:30 - Location: TU Delft Faculty of…

Data Carpentry for Social Sciences

Data Carpentry for Social Sciences

Course Description A Data Carpentry workshop aims to teach researchers basic concepts, skills and tools for working with data to get…

Earn 2 ECTS with the ATHENS Sessions

More info about the ATHENS program Twice a year you have the opportunity to follow a one-week intensive course, organized by several…

Exam dates MSc

Note: You can register for the Graduation Ceremony until 20 working days before the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The meeting of the…

Exam Dates BSc

You can register for the Graduation Ceremony until 20 working days before the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The meeting of the Board of…



Bionanoscience The Department of Bionanoscience focuses on the fundamental understanding of biological processes, from the level of single…

TU Delft | University of Technology

TU Delft | University of Technology

Impact for a better society Carousel Impact for a better society Unraveling mysteries of the universe What happens if you combine Einsteins…

News & stories

News and Stories Back to Menu twitter This content is being blocked for you because it contains cookies. Would you like to view this…

BIWIC 2024

BIWIC 2024

BIWIC 2024 The 29th BIWIC – International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization The 29th BIWIC – International Workshop on Industrial…