
36083 results

Research & Publication

Highlights Walk-In Co-creation 1-year granted research project on the future of architectural design and mobility Activating Design Call for…

Bachelorvernieuwing 2024/2025

De Bacheloropleiding Bouwkunde is vernieuwd! Een groot team van docenten heeft in samenwerking met de studentorganisaties gewerkt aan een…

Theme III: Climate change adaptation

Theme III: Climate change adaptation

Higher temperatures, droughts, sea level rise, extreme precipitation and storms: we increasingly experience the impact of climate change.…



From Bachelor students to Postdoctoral Engineers, TU Delft engages you at every level of education in the field of energy. The TU Delft…

Climate Fresk at TU Delft

Climate Fresk workshops Join the largest Climate Fresk at TU Delft – open to all staff and students Are you eager to take action against…

Regulations archive BSc

OER : Onderwijs- en Examenregeling UR : Uitvoeringsregeling (bijlage OER) RRvE : Regels en Richtlijnen van de Examencommissie (vanaf…

Group meetings

Group meetings Thursdays in ChemE Faculty Room E1.020 at 12:30 and on zoom Date Speaker September 12 Sumeia Yassiri, Esha Varma, Thomas…

Researcher copyright answers

Researcher copyright questions and answers As a researcher, I want to cite works in my article, conference paper, book (chapter),…

Teacher copyright answers

Teacher copyright questions and answers As a teacher, I want to re-use my own open publication and use it in a digital learning environment…

Student copyright answers

Student copyright questions and answers As a student, I want to cite works in my multimedia As a student, I want to cite works in my…