
36027 results

J.S.C.M. (Joris) Hoekstra

A.C. (Anna) Ruiter

Volcanic rocks solving CO2 problems

Volcanic rocks solving CO2 problems

What if we could capture CO2 from the atmosphere and permanently store it under the ground in the form of solid minerals? Applied Earth…

TU Delft and Stanford students codesign new self-driving car feature

TU Delft and Stanford students codesign new self-driving car feature

For the first time, Delft Design students from the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering participated in Stanford University’s…

What is bubbling underground?

What is bubbling underground?

Of the many renewable sources of energy currently being explored, it was geothermal energy that caught the imagination of Cas Verweij.…

BSc programme Applied Earth Sciences - TU Delft

BSc programme Applied Earth Sciences - TU Delft

As from academic year 2025, the BSc programme Applied Earth Sciences will be renewed. We aim to continue the revised programme under a new…

Dr. ir. Jansen, A.J.

Dr. ir. Jansen, A.J.

Associate Professor Design Engineering. Expertise: Sports, Sports Innovation, Human powered energy systems