
35895 results

Seminar in PDE and Applications archive

Voskov, D.V.

Profile 2024 - present - Head of section Reservoir Engineering 2015 – present – Associate Professor, TU Delft, The Netherlands 2016 –…

Readings - 100 DAYS OF... Reflection

Readings - 100 DAYS OF... Reflection

On this page, we will post readings and publications related to the "100 Days of Reflection". Keep a close eye on this page - for it will be…

Podcasts with Fellow Lecturers2

De ProfCast | Get to know Tu Delft professors In this Podcast series Dave Boomkens and Marieke Kootte get together with scientists from TU…

Seven new blended learning developers for extra support for the faculties

Seven new blended learning developers for extra support for the faculties In the last half year TLS (Teaching and Learning Services) has…

New Enrolment Process for UTQ/BKO courses and all TLS training courses

New Enrolment Process for UTQ/BKO courses and all TLS training courses TLS is pleased to announce an easier self-enrolment process for all…

Nomination for national election Lecturer of the Year

Nomination for national election Lecturer of the Year Based on the nominations of the faculties, every year, the TU Delft Lecturer of the…