A.J. (Anita) Korteland
P.D.S. Dijkstra
C.C.M.L. Wagenaar
- 36.HB 08.230
S. Razmi Rad
- 23.HG 4.19
TU Delft | Transport Institute
Six Faculties Combine Their Forces to Design New Mobility Solutions Aerospace Engineering Architecture and the Built Environment Civil…
About us
The Transport & Mobility Institute is a new TU Delft research institute dedicated to advancing sustainable, inclusive, and resilient…
Freight Traffic Management As A Service
Mission To connect real-life logistics and traffic management systems by developing, implementing and testing integrating applications,…
In the F&L lab we use serious games to better engage stakeholders, to observe their behavior, to collect behavioral data and to raise…
Our Vision Team: The Mobilizers
The Transport & Mobility Institute has its own vision team, called The Mobilizers . This team is working on our joint vision and exploring…
Our Team
The Transport & Mobility Institute synergizes the expertise of six TU Delft faculties. Our researchers and their teams collaborate closely…