
36663 results


Minor Announcement

It’s nearly the end of the semester: a time to reflect on our work and share it with our peers. Around this time of year, IDE’s main hall is…



Smart agriculture: Listening to the needs of plants Agriculture and horticulture are not always efficient. Often times, small adjustments…

Renewable Energy Webinar

Renewable Energy Webinar

This webinar series presents special topics in renewable energy that are relevant for the net zero 2060 ambition in Indonesia with a focus…

Bert van Wee bij EenVandaag over verlaging maximum snelheid

Bert van Wee bij EenVandaag over verlaging maximum snelheid

Veilig Verkeer Nederland wil dat de snelheid op wegen waar we nu 80 kilometer per uur rijden, verlaagd wordt naar 60. Daarmee zou het aantal…

Jeroen van den Hoven in NRC over systeembenadering van AI

Jeroen van den Hoven in NRC over systeembenadering van AI

Denken over kunstmatige intelligentie is meer dan alleen maar kluiven op abstracte vragen. Steeds meer filosofen houden zich met AI bezig.…

Stefan Buijsman op over Math education

Stefan Buijsman op over Math education

Stefan Buijsman is convinced that kids would be more interested in mathematics if instead of studying random equations, they were taught…

Femke Vossepoel in Women in Data Science (WiDS)

Femke Vossepoel in Women in Data Science (WiDS)

Margot Gerritsen of Stanford University hosts the Women in Data Science (WiDS) specifically for the younger generation (high school…

Karolien van Nunen and Genserik Reniers about chemical clusters and domino effects

Karolien van Nunen and Genserik Reniers about chemical clusters and domino effects

Incidents in the process industry can have disastrous consequences. On 21 January, TPM researchers Karolien van Nunen and Genserik Reniers…

New website for platform Social Innovation in the Energy Transition

New website for platform Social Innovation in the Energy Transition

A new website has been launched for the platform Social Innovation in the Energy Transition. The platform is an initiative of Gerdien de…