
35890 results

Kritika Maheshwari in Leeuwarder Courant over de dreiging van AI

Kritika Maheshwari in Leeuwarder Courant over de dreiging van AI

'Het idee dat artificiële intelligentie (AI) de mensheid kan bedreigen is niet nieuw. Maar in hoeverre het een werkelijkheid kan worden,…

West Coast Collaborations — IDE delegation visits Stanford, Berkeley, IDEO and more

West Coast Collaborations — IDE delegation visits Stanford, Berkeley, IDEO and more

In May a group of Delft designers headed west to California. Their aim? To build and strengthen education and research partnerships with…

Testimonial Huib Baetsen

Background I am Huib, a physics student interested in almost everything that is studied at the TU Delft. In my minor I therefore wanted to…

Green facade significantly boosts the energy efficiency of Vietnamese 'tube house'

Green facade significantly boosts the energy efficiency of Vietnamese 'tube house'

Vietnam is continuously building to accommodate its fast-growing population, but that does not provide enough comfortable and…

Guinness World Records pipetting

Guinness World Records pipetting

On Saturday 3 June 2023, 276 participants took part in the attempt to set the Guinness World Records pipetting, organised by Nanobiology…

New TU Delft location opened in The Hague

New TU Delft location opened in The Hague

In the centre of The Hague and 'around the corner' from the current Parliament, TU Delft opened its new location in The Hague for the new…

Crystal Cabin Award goes to Lightweight Aircraft Seating team

Yesterday the Crystal Cabin Awards Association presented its coveted trophies for innovation in cabin technology and passenger experience.…

Coastal Morphology

Coastlines around the globe have proven to be highly dynamic and constantly adapt to the oceanic climate and nearshore hydrodynamics. As a…

In Conversation With

In Conversation With, created by Deepesh Toshniwal and led by Marieke Kootte, is the accompanying interview series of the Numerical Analysis…

Presentation Night 16 juni

Presentation Night 16 juni

Presentation Night is coming up again! Students at X have been learning new skills in the third and fourth quarters during various courses…