
36089 results

M.J. van Dorst

ERC Starting Grant to redesigning the intelligence of soft robots

ERC Starting Grant to redesigning the intelligence of soft robots

Cosimo Della Santina has received an ERC Starting Grant to advance the intelligence of soft robots. His research will focus on having robots…

OpenFOAM Workshop 6 September 2024

On September 6, 2024 there will be an OpenFOAM Workshop at the TU Delft organized by the Dutch OpenFOAM user group. Four speakers will give…

Supervise your students

As a supervisor, you can take on a number of different roles. Some situations may require specific roles, or a mixture of roles. This…

Track Structural Engineering

Are you interested in designing and maintaining critical infrastructure like bridges, high-rise buildings, roads, rail tracks and tunnels?…

MSc Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics

The MSc programme in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TIL) is a two-year comprehensive programme that provides graduates with a…

TEST hydraulic

Imagine a world where deltas flood unchecked, beaches vanish, and vital ports like Shanghai and Rotterdam can't expand through land…