
36377 results

High Voltage Technologies

High Voltage Technologies

High Voltage Technologies group The High Voltage Technologies (HVT) group is responsible for research and education in the fields of High…

Donation Water for all

Donation Water for all

Delft University Fund supports pioneering research with great social impact. With your support you help civil engineers to find a concrete…

Support Basic Operation Theatre

One-time donation Recurring donation One-time donation

Michel van Eeten in Financieele Dagblad over cybersecuritytrainingen

Michel van Eeten in Financieele Dagblad over cybersecuritytrainingen

Een training cyberveiligheid is bij veel grote organisaties al vaste prik. Hoeveel nut hebben zulke bewustwordingsprogramma’s? Michel van…

Georgios Smaragdakis bij RTL Nieuws over cybersecurity bij energietransitie

Onlangs kon een ethisch hacker zonder problemen duizenden omvormers van zonnepanelen hacken. Georgios Smaragdakis vertelt bij RTL Nieuws…

EU launches pilot projects to reinforce cybersecurity capacity

EU launches pilot projects to reinforce cybersecurity capacity

The European Commission is investing more than €63.5 million in four pilot projects to lay the ground work for building a European network…

Cyber Security Next Generation 6th annual workshop on November 27, 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation 6th annual workshop on November 27, 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation (CSng, ) is organizing its 6th annual workshop for PhD and MSc students to present and discuss their…

Uitnodiging HSD Café: AI, Security en Ethiek - donderdag 29 oktober 2020

Uitnodiging HSD Café: AI, Security en Ethiek - donderdag 29 oktober 2020

De snelle ontwikkelingen in Kunstmatige Intelligentie hebben grote economische en maatschappelijke gevolgen voor de toekomst. Effectief…

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee: Then, Now, and in the Future

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee: Then, Now, and in the Future

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) is one of the 13 TCs in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Its…

Michel van Eeten in AG Connect over cybersecurity en de effecten van interventies

Michel van Eeten in AG Connect over cybersecurity en de effecten van interventies

Hoe goed verdedigen bedrijven zich nu tegen malware en aanvallen? Michel van Eeten beantwoordt betreffende vraag.