Merging like a human: TU Delft develops new model to help self-driving cars drive socially
Scientists at TU Delft have developed a new model that better describes human behaviour when merging into motorway traffic. Current models…
Colloquium: Expertisecentrum Woningwaarde
On 21 November, the colloquium 'Expertisecentrum Woningwaarde' takes place.
K. (Katerina) Nik
D.M.J. den Blanken
L.M. (Leo) Oorschot
- +31 15 27 84260
- 08.01.Oost.760
M.F. (Maximilian) Rimbach-Russ
- 22.B 208
B.H.T. Nanhekhan
S. van Dalen-Bus
I.A. Hilkhuysen
I.A. Houthuijsen
- +31 15 27 87477
- 62.NB 1.56