
35892 results

Zekeriya Erkin chosen as chair of IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee

Zekeriya Erkin chosen as chair of IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee

The TC’s responsibility is to promote activities around information forensics and security. The TC has significant role in IEEE ICIP, ICASSP…

NWO Cybersecurity Project on "Responsible Internet" awarded to Dr. Fernando Kuipers

Dutch National Science Agency (NWO) has awarded Dr. Fernando Kuipers (together with a broad consortium of international universties and…

The cybersecurity group has been granted a 3-year project

The cybersecurity group has been granted a 3-year project

The cybersecurity group @ EEMCS has been granted a 3-year project by Horizon Europe w.r.t. “World leading data and computing technologies”.…

14th International IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics & Security

14th International IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics & Security

On the behalf of Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Information…

TU Delft Cybersecurity group is organizing IEEE Euro S&P 2023

TU Delft Cybersecurity group is organizing IEEE Euro S&P 2023

TU Delft Cybersecurity group is organizing the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy in Delft between July 3-7, 2023.

The Cybersecurity Group @ EEMCS Hosts a Meetup for Women in Cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity Group @ EEMCS Hosts a Meetup for Women in Cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity group at TU Delft collaborated with WICCA (Women in Cybersecurity Community Association), to host a meetup on…

Ir. Jerom Aerts

Profile / Introduction Jerom holds a Bachelor's degree in Earth Sciences and a Master's degree in Hydrology from Vrije Universiteit…

A meaty trick: plant-based deception for good

A meaty trick: plant-based deception for good

Eating meat is deeply rooted in habits, status, culture, and identity, so it is difficult to reduce our meat consumption. What if instead of…

Pressure on Dutch housing market eases further

Pressure on Dutch housing market eases further

In the first quarter of 2023, the downward trend in housing market prices continues. The number of homes sold in the existing housing stock…


Research Topics High voltage materials and components for large-scale integration of renewables to the grid and testing for a power…