New Medical Delta program AI for Computational Life Sciences accelerates and improves drug development
Medical Delta will start its fifteenth scientific program this month: Medical Delta AI for Computational Life Sciences. The program combines…
Baptiste Heiles has received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to develop multi-messenger ultrasound imaging of cancer
Baptiste Heiles, a postdoctoral researcher at the Maresca Lab (ImPhys), has received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European…
New research shines light on future directions for cities on sustainability and climate action
What’s in a word? ‘Smart’, ‘eco’ or ‘future’ cities? Around the world, numerous city initiatives have sprung up in recent years to signal…
Riverbank filtration in highly turbid rivers
Riverbank filtration in highly turbid rivers Riverbank filtration (RBF) is a surface water filtration method for drinking water through the…
Factors influencing the household water treatment adoption in the rural areas in developing countries
Factors influencing the household water treatment adoption in the rural areas in developing countries Household water treatment (HWT), such…
Slow sand filtration 2.0: Towards efficient design, operation and maintenance
Slow sand filtration 2.0: Towards efficient design, operation and maintenance Slow sand filtration (SSF) is one of the oldest and most…
RedOx controlled rapid sand filtration of groundwater
RedOx controlled rapid sand filtration of groundwater Groundwater is the drinking water source for at least half of the world population.…
From 2006 until 2019, I worked as a full-time scientific group leader at the NWO Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam. During this period I have…
Talks and Seminars
TU Delft scores at Olympic Games for chip designers
De Olympische Spelen vormen een graadmeter voor de sportprestaties per land. Maar wat weinig mensen weten, is dat er in de wereld van…