
36043 results

Bart van Trigt in various media

Bart van Trigt is researching how to reduce injuries among athletes, especially baseball and tennis players.

Two mechanical engineering students victim of Scheveningen surfing accident

Two mechanical engineering students victim of Scheveningen surfing accident

We deeply regret to inform you that two students from our faculty were involved in the tragic surfing accident on Monday 11 May in…

Jinne Geelen in various media

For people who are paralyzed and unable to move, communication is difficult. Or can you also control a computer with your thoughts?

Frans van der Helm in Algemeen Dagblad

Hoogleraren TU Delft gekozen in Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (Dutch)

Millions for large-scale energy storage research

Millions for large-scale energy storage research

Paulien Herder, professor in Energy Systems at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and her team in the interdisciplinary consortium…

ERC Consolidator Grant for better energy conversion

ERC Consolidator Grant for better energy conversion

TU Delft researcher Dr. Rene Pecnik has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research into energy conversion

TU Delft selected as ELLIS unit for AI and machine learning

TU Delft selected as ELLIS unit for AI and machine learning

The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent systems (ELLIS) have selected TU Delft for establishing one of its units for European…

TU Delft works to create a natural gas-free built environment

The consortium WarmingUp, a new collective endeavouring to accelerate the creation of cost-effective and sustainable heating networks, has…

Heike Vallery professor of innovative rehabilitation technology at EMC

Heike Vallery professor of innovative rehabilitation technology at EMC

Heike Vallery, professor of human motor augmentation, has been named honorary professor of innovative rehabilitation technology at the…

Paulien Herder in various media

TU Delft may credit ten million euros to the account. The sender is the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The amount…