
36043 results

Jaap Harlaar in Kennislink

Jaap Harlaar in Kennislink: ‘In het ziekenhuis staat straks een ingenieur naast je bed’ (Dutch)

Nanofluids: helping you harvest heat from the sun and fabricate your own microchips

Nanofluids: helping you harvest heat from the sun and fabricate your own microchips

Nanofluids: helping you harvest heat from the sun and fabricate your own microchips ‘In this cohesion project we’re doing fundamental ground…

An old robot operating system learning new tricks

An old robot operating system learning new tricks

‘How do you teach a robot to deal with unpredictable circumstances without the constant need for expensive reprogramming? In this cohesion…

Action-at-a-distance metamaterials may one day be used in wearable soft robotics

A group of materials scientists led by professor Amir Zadpoor have introduced the concept of “action-at-a-distance” metamaterials where a…

The 2018 mechanical engineering design competition 2018: Container Handler

Freshman studying mechanical engineering have started their third and last design project for this academic year. The 77 project groups have…

David Abbink named full professor of Haptic Human-Robot Interaction

David Abbink named full professor of Haptic Human-Robot Interaction

Professor David Abbink has been named full professor of Haptic Human-Robot Interaction at the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR)…

TU Delft scans painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer

TU Delft scans painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer

Last week an extensive two week scanning project of the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring - the Dutch Mona Lisa, some say - started at the…


On Friday 15 June NWO will organise the 2018 edition of Bessensap. Around 400 journalists, press officers and researchers will meet at De…

The City of Delft and TU Delft partner with Maritime Delta

The City of Delft and TU Delft partner with Maritime Delta

Dean Theun Baller and alderman Ferrie Förster of the City of Delft signed a partnership agreement with Maritime Delta today. The partnership…

New TU Delft ‘battolyser’ technology: electricity storage and hydrogen production’

There is an increasing amount of sustainably generated electricity in the form of wind and solar power, but it is not available whenever we…