
36043 results

PME researcher Nima Tolou contender for 2018 Prince Friso Engineering Award

PME researcher Nima Tolou contender for 2018 Prince Friso Engineering Award

Nima Tolou, researcher at the Department of Precision & Microsystems Engineering and co-founder of Flexous BV and Kinergizer BV has been…

In Memoriam: Prof.dr. Hans de Wit

The Department Materials Science and Engineering has received the sad news that our highly appreciated professor-emeritus Prof. dr. Hans de…

Windmolenparken kunnen veel meer energie opwekken


Conferences Publications Blog Twitterfeed Seminar series Events Social Simulation Conference, September 4-8, 2023, Glasgow, UK. Presentation…

ACCESS - Welcome to Delft

ACCESS - Welcome to Delft 13 September 2024 09:30 till 12:45 - Location: DOK Library | Add to my calendar In collaboration with ACCESS we…

Michaël Wiertlewski in various media

Ancient Adhesive Technology Reveals Prehistoric Cognition; What Does Tar Production Say About the Complexity of Neanderthal Brain? | The…

Sikke Klein in various media

Ancient Adhesive Technology Reveals Prehistoric Cognition; What Does Tar Production Say About the Complexity of Neanderthal Brain? | The…

Mark de Ruit in various media

RTL Nieuws | Digitaal dagboek bijhouden: eerste thuisonderzoek ter wereld naar migraine Nieuwsuur | Aflevering 257: Wat veroorzaakt een…

Richard Norte in various media

Reducing motion sickness crucial to acceptance of self-driving cars | My Science Nog een hobbel voor de zelfrijdende auto: wagenziekte |…

Gerwin Smit in various media

Ancient Adhesive Technology Reveals Prehistoric Cognition; What Does Tar Production Say About the Complexity of Neanderthal Brain? | The…